Tuesday 14 April 2015

The Definition of Me.

In the past, before we lost you, there were women I knew who had lost a child. Relatives, online friends, colleagues,  people I chatted to, thought I knew pretty well. I admired them. They had been through tough times and had survived; they were women of courage and strength. They were indestructible.

Now I know that these women are not just survivors,  they are still surviving. They have not overcome their grief,  they still live with the grief every single day. Their grief is interwoven through every fibre of their souls, a dark thread in the fabric.

The grief does not fade with time. It ages, becomes more worn but it no more becomes a thing of the past than the love we have for our living children.  The love never dies, so the grief never fades. It becomes the thing that defines us, the thing that has changed us the most,  the thing we cannot forget.

You, Sylvie-Rose,  are the definition of me.